Friday 20 November 2015

Research and Planning Self Assessment

Research into existing music videos
I feel that i have excellent evidence of research into existing music videos. This is because i have three examples of different music videos that either my chosen artist or another artist in the same music genre as my chosen artist. This shows that i have looked at different song that my artist has sang but also look at people similar to her and taken ideas from what they have done too. In future i will add Jemma's examples to my blog too as we worked together on these to complete extra work and research for our music video.

Research into a potential target audience
I feel i have good evidence of researching into my potential target audience. This is because i have looked at the audience theory which includes the hypodermic needle theory, cultivation theory, two step flow, uses and gratifications. I have also done work on my chosen artist and the type of audience that would be targeted for her. I will look into the different outfits that people wear of that age and of my chosen artist so that i can get the costume planning correct for our music video. 

Work on storyboarding
I think i have shown good evidence of story boarding on my blog. I have uploaded my animatic of what we would like our music video to look like. However, i feel that i could have added screen shots into the post about how i made the animatic to help explain the process. 

Time management
I think that i have shown good time management as i have caught up on all work that had been done before i joined the course, whether that be watching the videos, reading articles or making and creating posts. I have also kept up to dat with all work that has needed to be done and have completed extra in some parts of the research - for example, the research into music videos. 

Use of digital technology or ICT 
I feel that i have shown good skills of using different digital technology. This is because i have used photos, videos and different presentation software to present different things. For example, using premier pro for my animatic and Prezzie for my pitch. I could use different types of presentation sites to present my work in future to show that i am able to use different types of digital technology.  

Communication skills
I would say that i have good communication skills. I have done lots of writing in my posts and most are grammatically correct, however, i can sometimes use the wrong spelling. 

Level of care taken in the presentation of work
I feel that the level of care in the presentation of my work is excellent. I feel this because i have use different ways of presenting my work. For example, using Prezzie, pictures, videos and keeping all my text the a suitable font. 


  1. Your blog would currently merit a mark at the higher end of the criteria required for Level 3 Ellie. This is good but you need to be aiming to secure a Level 4 mark in order to give yourself the best possible chance of exceeding your minimum expected grade of a C.

    The key focus for you should be to look back at your work relating to producing your animatic. This currently consists of the embedded video of your animatic from Youtube (which is good) but there is no evidence of the process you followed in order to produce this animatic. Look back at my post dated 3rd November titled 'Planning : Storyboard and Animatic' and read through the requirements for this post again.

    Post a reply to this comment in which you let me know how you will improve your current evidence in relation to storyboarding.

    I would also like you to let me know how you and Jemma are planning to use the next 4 weeks in order to move through the planning process and reach the point where you are ready to start the construction stage of your work.

  2. To improve my post titled 'Planning: Storyboard and Animatic' I will add pictures of the individual drawings, screen shots of the process of making the animatic and write up what I did in this process of making this animatic and how it will help me later on when I am filming and editing my footage for the music video.

    Both myself and Jemma have split the tasks due in four weeks. This means that we will be finished before Christmas and will be then ready to start filming as we will have a filming schedule and have chosen the correct equipment for filming our music video.

  3. When will you have completed the update to your planning for storyboarding into animatic Ellie? I think that the deadline for this should be the start of next week - is this reasonable in your opinion?

    Make sure that the posts that you make in relation to planning are of a high enough standard for me to be able to award a mark that is at least Level 3 (GOOD / PROFICIENT).

  4. I have added to my post about my animatic but will put the screen shots I have saved on my desktop onto it later to show that construction stages.
