Wednesday 18 November 2015

Planning: Casting

Casting the right person for our music video is very important as they make the piece more realistic. Casting is also important as we need to have the correct people that will understand our ways of communicating and be able to adapt to any changes in our music video. We will be casting a male and female. The male we will be casting typically needs to be comfortable around all people and be confident around the camera. The female will also need to be camera confident, she will also need to lip sync effectively to our chosen song and be friendly to all. We also want people who don't take everything seriously but can see the importance of filming the video and having it completed up to a high standard.

To gain the correct people we made a application form and asked a selection of males and females to fill it in answering the questions we provided and give details about themselves. After we had received all of the applications we shortlisted it down to 4 people that we thought fitted the description we asked for. We then found out more information about them and went on to write a small summary about their strengths and weaknesses included with pictures of themselves which we have included within this blog post. By completing this it gave allowed us to pick between who will be the best for our video.

  This is a screenshot of our application form
 that we made and gave to individuals.

This is Ellie, Ellie is a friendly individual who is confident around people of all ages and abilities. She is also a singer meaning she has experience of singing in front of large crowds and at times in front of a camera.This is also a bonus as she won't be afraid to sing in front of people when we are filming and she will be able to make the 'lip syncing' realistic. Ellie can be very mature at times and at times relax and be immature. As we will be having two sides of fun and seriousness i think Ellie will be suitable for this as she can make the two personalities realistic. She is usually busy at weekends but will be willing to change some of her plans and is free weekdays after 3pm.

SophThis is Sophie, Sophie is very confident and loud around those she is comfortable with for example her friends and family. Sophie is very camera shy and doesn't like having photos or videos being taken of her. She also finds it hard to stay serious this isn't suitable for our video as in parts she will need to look serious and sad. Sophie also has no experience of performing on her own in front of large crowds. She doesn't have a lot of space in the week for us toarrange a filming time with her as she is dedicated to other things such as her job and out of school clubs.

This is Harry, He is a very committed person to anything he  to anything he is involved in .This is a good thing to have as we will need someone to be committed to the filming schedule we have made and won't back out at anytime. Harry is a friendly,confident person around all people and doesn't have    a busy timetable resulting in a possibility of him being free when we are  planning to film our video.

 This is Jake he has experience of performance but is extremely shy when he is infront of a camera and looses his self-esteem. This isn't suitable for what we are looking for although he has experience in the industry we are studying confidence is a key factor that we are looking at and he doesn't have this. Jake is committed to his school work and with exams coming up is unable to find a free space.


Out of the two females we decided to short list we chose Ellie to have the main role. We chose Ellie as she has more experience than Sophie as a performer she will make the video realistic and after we did a lip sync test with her decided that it will be easier to edit as she has this experience. She is also more willing to change her plans to film and to us seems more passionate and enthusiastic about filming our video than Sophie.

Out of the two males we decided to pick Harry due to the fact that he is more confident than Jake and has a less busy schedule therefore we will find it easier to arrange times of filming with him. Harry also has the commitment 'factor' which stood out to us as we need someone to realise how important this is and be committed to filming and not let us down.

We did some practise lip-syncing in the school theatre with Ellie before we cast her so that we knew she was comfortable in front of the camera , could learnt lyrics to songs and could use her facial expressions to tell a story through the song.

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