Wednesday 4 November 2015

Planning: Music Video Animatic

To create our animatic storyboard we started by writing out the lyrics on a role of paper acting as the premier pro timeline. Along with the lyrics we added the timing when the lyrics appeared. We achieved this by listening to the audio of the song and penciled in the times at the start and end of a verse line.

Separately we made storyboard cards on a small piece of paper. We did this by hand drawing out how we imagined and pitched the video to be. This also made us think about what shots we were going to use and how we were going to portray the video with the music. We then placed the card at the bottom of the roll of paper where we wanted the picture to be shown. By doing this it gave us a visual image of how the storyboard will look and if we needed to change anything or add in cards we could.

After doing this we then laid the roll of paper on the floor and inserted the cards where we wanted them. Using the iPad's we individually took pictures of each photo and then uploaded them on to the iMacs and premier pro. Along with uploading the pictures of the starboard on to the iMac we also downloaded a MP3 version of 'Endless' using a legal youtube converter website.

 By having the audio version of the song available when editing the pictures on premier pro it allowed us to selectively choose where we wanted our pictures to appear and enabled us to cut to the beat and get a feel of what the final piece will look like. This is our final piece. 

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