Wednesday 18 November 2015

Planning : Filming Locations

    House 1 - Kitchen

    We have chosen this location because there is a lot of space in the kitchen. This will make it easier to film in as there will be enough space for the cast and the camera, enabling us to move around and get different shots and angles. The kitchen is also a well lit room and has basic colours therefore it won't distract the audience and will make them just focus on the actors. Although it is a bright room we may need extra lights as at certain times in the day it can get dark and we need to keep it the same contrast of lighting throughout so we can get a clean shot and if any re-filming needs to be done this can be completed.

    House 2 -Kitchen 

    We have chose this location is a different kitchen in a different location to the first one. We have chose to have this as it has an island in the middle of the room therefore we could have the actors around this and film from an appropriate angle allowing the audience to understand what they are doing. We have also chose to use this kitchen as it shows what type of relationship the couple have, going round to each others house and spending time with their families. 

    House 2 - Back garden

    We picked this location as this is a large grass area and links the kitchen to another part of the house. It is a suitable surrounding that has a lot of light areas which will allow our shots to be clean and clear.This is also a typical garden in a house that a normal family will have which we are trying to convey that our actors are just a typical couple teenage couple spending time with each other.


    We have chose to use the park as it is a place where a lot of teenagers hang out and families will go to. The park is also seen as a romantic place where couples will go to spend time with each other and we want this to come across in our video as the song is about love and being in a long distance relationship.

    Train Station - Waiting room

    This has been chosen as in the song it refers to a airport waiting room. Unfortunately there isn't an airport near by to where we live. So we have decided to use the train station waiting room instead as this is typically the same place but will avoid showing things such as train station signs in our shot. 

    Car Park

    This car park was picked because this was the car park outside the train station and replicates the one at an airport. It is also close to the train station waiting room so that we can change some filming of the actor walking away, into reverse for our opening of the music video. We are also using the car park as a place where the couple say goodbye to each other and also become reunited.


    We are using this bedroom because this would be a place that a couple may go. It will be a bedroom in house 1. It has a mirror in and this will be good to use as we can film the couple in the mirror so that we can see them both in one shot.

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