Tuesday 17 November 2015

Research: Green Screen Practise

I have learnt how to use and edit a green screen for my music video. This has let me experiment with the types of editing tools and effects that i can now input into the music video. I used Adele's 'Rolling In The Deep' and some footage of myself sining/miming to the song and used this for green screen practise and for practising how to match the lip syncing to the original lyrics.

Firstly, i picked the part of the music video i wanted to use as the back ground and put this into video 2. I then got the audio for the whole song and entered that into audio 1. From the footage i had taken of myself singing the song, i chose the first part of this and then entered this into video 1.

I then put an eight point garbage mat and an ultra key onto the footage of myself singing.
I then clicked on the effect controls to open up the controls for the eight point garbage mat and the ultra key.

I click on the eight point garbage mat and then dragged the dots inwards so that i cut most of the green screen out. I was careful to to crop any of myself out as it i was to move in this piece of footage then that part of me would disappear.

I then clicked on the ultra key's key colour and clicked on the green background in the footage which was still left. This then made anything in the footage that was green disappear.

Below is what my green screen practise video looks like. 

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