Tuesday 10 November 2015

Planning : Costume

Costume is a very important piece of Mise-en-Scene in any media product, especially music videos. There are key ideas to consider when looking for costumes:

  • The costumes/s keep in the theme of the of the music video. Foe example, if someone was dressed in a football strip, the audience would automatically have an idea of that person's personality and, if too bright, may district from what the performer is actually doing in that scene. 

  • The costume must appeal to the target audience. For example, Zara Larsson's target audience are teenage girls and young female adults. If the outfit worn was a full football strip, the target audience would not find this appealing and may dislike the music video because of this. The performer wants the target audience to like them and this can be done through outfits choices.

  • The performer must be comfortable in the chosen outfit so that they are not visually unhappy as the emotions shown and portrayed in this music video need to be suitable for the chosen song.

  • The  chosen outfit must be afordable. Although there are many many different costumes in my music video, i need to know all the cost as there is a budget to the amount of money we ca spend when making this music video. 
Our chosen artist is Zara Larsson, a 17 year old girl, who keep up the new trend and fashion that comes into the shops, just like most teenage girls.

One costume that we will use in our music video is when Zara Larsson will be wearing a autumn  coloured , scrappy top with some black jeans. This would be suitable for the character of Zara Larsson as the colours in very fashionable at this time of year (autumn) but is still in keeping with the time of year that the music video would be released. Floral tops have also become very fashionable for teenagers to wear. Zara Larsson is the type and age of an artist that likes to keep up with the in fashions. It will also have a black cardigan to go with the outfit.
Black jeans are the neutral  part of the costume. Black jeans can go with lots of different types of tops and is in keeping with the time of year that this costume would be used in the music video. Black jeans are very fashionable for teenagers so this is something that Zara, aged 17, would wear.
This theme will be  carried on throughout the rest our home videos used in the music video.

The makeup and hair would be very natural for this scene. Below is an example of what we will do our actor's hair like. I will be naturally curly/wavy and loosely put up into a ponytail. This will be done so that it is in keeping with the casual outfit that she will be wearing and with the other music videos from Zara Larsson that I have looked at.

Zara's 'boyfriend' in the music video will also need to be wearing clothing which is suitable for the time of year and the fashion at the time of the music video. Because of this i have looked into what different famous, male music artist wear which are around the same age as the 'boyfriend' would be. I have also looked at Zara's previous music videos to see what they wear too. I have decided that in the home videos, he will be casual and wearing plain colours so that the attention is on Zara and not too much on him.
He will be wearing washed out grey jeans which are suitable for the age of the boy and the style at that time. He will also be wearing a grey hoodie because these are very popular at this time with people in their teens. It is also not too bright so that it would distract the attention form the artist - Zara.

In the part of the music video where our artist is at a train station, the costume will need to be more suitable for traveling and for a colder time of year to make her look like she is going away and staying away for a long period of time.

Grey is very in season and will still be at the time of filming. This top will be plain and not take the attention away from our artist's performance. This colour is also a colour that the target audience would be likely to wear as it is very popular with teenage people and young adults. The costing of this top is quite low, as it is a plain style of top and could be in the shop's sale. I will have to look at different shops for similar products or ask people i know to see if they have one that i could use.

I will then add blue skinny jeans to this outfit. This is because the colour of the top is not overpowering and will not clash with blue jeans. Blue skinny jeans are very in fashion and this will be something that many of the target audience will own and wear.
I will then add black shoes to this outfit so that the colours are all neutral and mix together well. This style of shoe is widely worn by the target audience and will appeal to them.

For our artist's hair will make sure it still looks quite natural as this is what we have seen in other music videos that she has made. Her hair will be loosely curled and braided around the head, framing the face.

In our final scene we will have autumn themed walk around a park. Both characters will be in this scene and will be wearing autumn style clothes.
For Zara, she will be wearing lots of layers as it will be a chilly morning walk in the autumn and the temperature would be very low.
She would be wearing black wash out jeans and an black high neck top. This is because the colours are not over powering and will mean that the extra parts added to this costume will stand out more on a monochrome 'background'. She will also be wearing a grey pair of heeled boots and a navy coat. The coat will have faux inside and hood, these will stand out and have a bigger impact on the all black costume as they will be the brightest and boldest colours. The faux on the coat will be an orange/brown colour which will represent the colours of autumn. The boots will be suitable for this time of year as It will be cold and the boots would be warm and protect her feet. She will also be wearing the love heart necklace that she will have worn the whole way through the music video to represent the love throughout their relationship.

The grey suede boots will bring a different edge to the look and will still not draw too much attention away from the yellow jumper. It will also make her look her age as many late teenager wear heeled boots and will also add to her hight so that she doesn't look too young. They will also be suitable for the time of year as it is colder than in the summer and will bring some sophistication to he look.

The male actor will be wearing black jeans as they are the fashion at the time and will be fitting in with the time of year. He will also wear a white top to contrast with the black jeans. He will also be wearing a navy faux coat which will show their similarities as a couple and fit in with the time of year. He will be wearing trainers as they will be going on a walk.

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